Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fall Tag!!!

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! I love pretty much everything about it. That being said, I've been thinking about doing a fall tag, and after I saw Jaclyn Hill's Fall Tag, I knew I had to jump on board!
This is basically her tag with just a few of my own questions added on. 

1. Favorite fall candy-- Candy Corn
I know some people HATE it, but I LOVE it!
2. Favorite fall candle-- This changes every year, but after combing over the options at B&BW, This one is definitely the winner!
3. Favorite Clothing/Accessory-- I couldn't decide between boots or scarves. They're both so much fun! Here are a couple of my favorites from my collection. 
4. Favorite Drink-- Hot Chocolate! Hands down, this is the drink that I live for in the fall and winter seasons. 
5. Favorite Fall Lipstick-- I decided to pick a few options that would be fabulous, day or night. 
(From left to right: Nars in Audrey, Mac in Rebel, and Mac in Stone)  

6. Favorite Fall Blush-- Surprisingly, both of my blush choices are from the drugstore!
(Milani in Luminoso and ELF in Wanderlust)

7. Favorite Fall/Halloween Movie-- The Shining
8. Favorite Fall TV Show-- Dancing with the Stars. I know, I'm a nerd haha.
9. favorite Halloween Costume-- I've had a lot of favorites throughout the years. Here are a few of my favorites!
 10. Favorite Thanksgiving Food-- Greene Bean Casserole
 11. Favorite Fall Nail Polish
 12. Favorite Fall Trend-- Dark Lips! They're totally my jam!
13. Favorite Album/Song/Music-- Rocky Horror Picture Show! I seriously listen to this on repeat from September through October. 
14. Favorite Fall Treat-- Caramel Apples! I love them more than life... well almost. ;) 
And last, but not least...  
15. Zombies or Vampires?
Obviously vampires! What kind of question is that?!?! haha 

I hope you enjoyed this post, and that you're feeling fall in the air!

Stay Fabulous