Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2016 Resolutions


I'm gonna start the new year off with a resolution post, of course! Here we go!

2016 New Year Resolutions

Top 10!

1.       Exercise 3-4X per week. Whether it be taking a walk or hitting the gym, I want to get moving 2.       Eat better. I’m putting myself on a diet! 1300-1400 cal per day, consisting of mostly healthy food. This one is going to be a challenge.
3.    Enjoy hobbies I've been neglecting.
4.       Save $/Spend less! Between buying a new house and having to pay back my student loans, it’s time for me to cut back. Less fast food purchases, less makeup purchases, and more budgeting.
5.       Organize the house/Finish moving. There are still some finishing touches to make to the new house, like hanging pics on walls, organizing the guest room and office, etc. 
6.       Potty Train Walter. In 2016, I’m really looking forward to getting the puppy trained. It will be nice to not have to clean up poop all the time LOL. 
7.       Take A Vacation! Not sure where yet, but I need to go somewhere this summer! Maybe a cruise or even just a trip to Disneyland.
8.       Career/Professional Goals. This includes either working toward a promotion at current company, or venturing out into the teaching world to use my degree! 
9.       Read More!  I’m making it a goal to read 25 books in 2016 (including 5 classics) 
10.   Post 2X per week on the blog! Look, I'm already doing better than last year LOL!

Those are my top 10 resolutions for 2016! Wish me luck! 


  1. girlfriend I love your resolutions! I know for a fact that you got this boo! I am beyond proud of you! I can't wait to keep up on your blog ♥

  2. Thanks girl! I'm gonna try real hard to keep up with you on posting haha
